7-1-1. Orchestrator


The Orchestrator has a core function of monitoring the information of the Cache server and coordinating and managing the processing. The following are the main roles of the Orchestrator.

Job Re-registration

The Orchestrator automatically detects Jobs that have failed due to reasons such as timeout, decline, rejectResult, etc., and re-registers (re-processes) them. This minimizes the failure of Jobs due to temporary failures or errors, and improves the availability of the system and the user experience. The Orchestrator sets an appropriate delay time when re-registering to prevent excessive retries, thereby reducing the load on the system.

Completion Confirmation of SubJobs

For the purpose of distributing complex processing, Jobs may be divided into multiple SubJobs. The Orchestrator tracks the completion status of these SubJobs and confirms that all SubJobs have been completed. After that, the Orchestrator calls the Aggregator program corresponding to the ProgramId and submits the results of the SubJobs as the result of the parent Job. This feature improves the efficiency of distributed processing and shortens the overall processing time.

Cache Update

The Orchestrator constantly monitors the information of the Cache server and maintains the consistency of the cache. If there is a change in the cache, the Orchestrator detects that change and updates the cache as needed. As a result, the system always provides the latest information and ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data. The Orchestrator can use incremental update methods to efficiently update the cache.

These functions of the Orchestrator are essential for improving the performance and availability of the entire system. The Orchestrator enhances the resilience of the system through Job re-registration, increases the efficiency of distributed processing through SubJob completion confirmation, and maintains data consistency through cache updates. By working together, these features enable the Orchestrator to play a central role in the architecture of EMETH, contributing to the optimization and stability of overall processing.

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